
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Starting the JointFace experiment

So far the joint placement seems to be working. I will begin skinning the new joints tonight and hopefully the gargoyle will be smiling and snarling by Wednesday night.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Skinning Gargoyles

The Gargoyle is fast approaching completion. I am starting to pose the rig and clean up the skinning.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Gargoyle is Coming Together

the gargoyle is starting to really come together. I have done the basic rig and started the skinning. I intend to add facial controls after I have the basics done.

I will be attempting to create a jaw system that should allow me to lock the lips closed or let them open. This will be my first attempt at facial rigging without blendshapes.

I have been itching to try this for months now but I until now I have always been too busy. After spending all summer trying to figure out the best way to rig bird wings and learning Pymel.core I have finally found the time.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

upgraded gargoyle

I just wasn't satisfied with the old model so I built a new one. You cannot see it here but the rigging is well underway too. soon this gargoyle will be dancing and jumping and doing kung-fu!