
Saturday, December 17, 2016

Couldn't wait

I guess I got impatient, I just couldn't wait to put up this Gargoyle

The animation is still under way but for now here is a basic demo of the Gargoyle rig

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Gargoyle Update

well the rig is now functional, face included. I will be creating animations to demonstrate the various capabilities of this rig.

This has been a lot of fun to work on.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Starting the JointFace experiment

So far the joint placement seems to be working. I will begin skinning the new joints tonight and hopefully the gargoyle will be smiling and snarling by Wednesday night.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Skinning Gargoyles

The Gargoyle is fast approaching completion. I am starting to pose the rig and clean up the skinning.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Gargoyle is Coming Together

the gargoyle is starting to really come together. I have done the basic rig and started the skinning. I intend to add facial controls after I have the basics done.

I will be attempting to create a jaw system that should allow me to lock the lips closed or let them open. This will be my first attempt at facial rigging without blendshapes.

I have been itching to try this for months now but I until now I have always been too busy. After spending all summer trying to figure out the best way to rig bird wings and learning Pymel.core I have finally found the time.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

upgraded gargoyle

I just wasn't satisfied with the old model so I built a new one. You cannot see it here but the rigging is well underway too. soon this gargoyle will be dancing and jumping and doing kung-fu!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

a Steampunk Interlude

I haven't been working much on my Gargoyle rig lately and the rigs I make for work are still covered by my NDA so instead please enjoy a few of my pencil drawings
This is intended as a vaguely Steampunk raygun, it is also one of my first attempts to ink one of my drawings (since the ink disaster of 2009)

and to wield the raygun I drew this adventurous fellow
This drawing is done start to finish with a ebony pencil, I decided to hide his far arm because any other pose seemed to ruin the silhouette. I drew the hint of a jetpack on his back and he is clearly not much of a marksman based on the way he holds his raygun. 

Saturday, July 16, 2016

A new project

So for a few months now I have been working as a character rigger for Razor Edge Games. I have produced several animal and robot rigs in this time but all of them are covered by my NDA so I cannot display them here.
Instead, I have decided to make a full character rig from scratch and post it here.

This is the first image of my Gargoyle character, inspired by one of my favourite shows from my childhood. I loved Gargoyles as a kid and I wanted to make one of my own.

I initially intended to give him large bat-like wings, but after considering the complexity of wing rigs and the schedule I have set for myself, I will be building the wings separately and adding them later.

here is a slightly clearer shot of my model