
Thursday, April 30, 2015

My First Attempt at UI Design

 Though the company I made this for ended up taking a different direction I am quite pleased with how it turned out
I used some stock images to stand in for actual camera footage.

If that company wants me to take this down the just need to ask, but for now I will assume they don't mind

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Back in Action

Some interesting thing have happened in the last year, I worked at a major local studio, I flew to Vancouver to attend Vancouver Film School and improve my skills and now I am back in Ottawa until I find a new job.

This is the Short film that I made during my time at VFS. I wrote, directed, animated, modelled, rigged, lit, and textured it my self. I am not allowed to reuse the riggs because they belong to VFS but I hope to build new ones and perhaps make a sequel to this film in the future.