
Wednesday, November 14, 2018


It has been a long time since I last posted anything here and I have since left Razor Edge. I spent this past year working at Kitazaru Inc. a branch of SanzaruGames.

During this time Sanzaru and Kitazaru were working on Spyro 3: Year Of The Dragon!

What an amazing experience, great people, a great company, a great project! I was one 3 Riggers on the project and the only one working on site. I built at least half of the character rigs for the game and edited or contributed to the rest. These cutscenes heavily feature Bianca, one of the first characters I worked on for the game and a personal favorite.

To list all the characters I worked on would be harder than listing the ones I didn't. Of those visible in the cutscenes I built the rabbit, Spike (big orange guy) and Bianca completely. I also did around half the work on the Rhynocs (generic enemy variants)

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Starting to show some things

My professional work will soon see the light of day! Razor Edge Games has put up their Steam Page including a teaser trailer containing some of my work.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Mad Science Girl Drawing

I have really been trying to learn how to draw Steampunk characters lately. I have drawn a character inspired by the webcomic, Girl Genius.

Friday, January 13, 2017

sketching interlude

I filled a few pages with random poses before I did one that I like.
For some reason I am bad at drawing hats, I did that side drawing to help me figure out the structure.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Couldn't wait

I guess I got impatient, I just couldn't wait to put up this Gargoyle

The animation is still under way but for now here is a basic demo of the Gargoyle rig

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Gargoyle Update

well the rig is now functional, face included. I will be creating animations to demonstrate the various capabilities of this rig.

This has been a lot of fun to work on.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Starting the JointFace experiment

So far the joint placement seems to be working. I will begin skinning the new joints tonight and hopefully the gargoyle will be smiling and snarling by Wednesday night.